Email: alessio (dot) ferrari (at) isti (dot) cnr (dot) it
NLP for Requirements Engineering
Requirements Elicitation Interviews
Empirical Formal Methods and Software Engineering
Requirements Engineering Education and Training
Contact info: CNR-ISTI Website

I am a Research Scientist at CNR-ISTI (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione "A. Faedo", Pisa, Italy -
I received my Ph. D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in 2011. During the Ph. D., I was working as system engineer at General Electric Transportation Systems (GETS) s.p.a., a world leading railway signalling company.
My current research interests are primarily: applications of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to requirements engineering (RE); user and customer interviews in RE; RE education and training; empirical formal methods and empirical software engineering.
I am part of the EU DESIRA project on sustainability, and the EU 4SECURail project on formal methods for railways. I have recently been WP leader of the European Project ASTRail, funded by the Shift2Rail Programme, and I participated in other EU projects, such as Learn PAd, about business process models applied to public administration procedures.
I serve in the PC of ICSE, IEEE RE, REFSQ, AIRE, I am one of the organisers of the NLP4RE workshop, I have been local organiser of REFSQ 2020, and will be program co-chair of REFSQ 2023.
Check my Youtube Channel for Empirical Software Engineering Lectures
Check my SlideShare Page for my slides
Check my ResearchGate for preprints
Check the PURE dataset for NLP4RE
May 26, 2021 - ICSE Technical Briefing on NLP for Requirements Engineering
March 12, 2021 - RE 2021 Research Track, PC Member, abstract submission deadline
February 8, 2021 - NLP4RE at REFSQ 2021, co-organiser, deadline for contributions
February 8, 2021 - OpenRE Track at REFSQ 2021, Track Chair, deadline for contributions
January 5, 2021 - MRS Research Track, PC Member, abstract submission deadline
November 30, 2020 - ICSE 2021, Technical Briefing Accepted on NLP for RE, Tasks, Techniques, Tools and Technologies. PREPRINT
September 2-5, 2020 - RE 2020, PC Member of RE Next and Industry Track, Two papers accepted
September 1, 2020 - AIRE 2020 Workshop, Co-organiser
July 6-11, 2020 - ICSE 2020, PC Member, One paper accepted
June 23-26, 2020 - REFSQ 2020, Local Organiser
Alessio Ferrari, Franco Mazzanti, Davide Basile, Maurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi:
Comparing formal tools for system design: a judgment study. ICSE 2020: 62-74
Liping Zhao, Waad Alhoshan, Alessio Ferrari, Keletso J. Letsholo, Muideen A. Ajagbe, Erol-Valeriu Chioasca, Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro: Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Requirements Engineering (RE): A Systematic Mapping Study.
Alessio Ferrari, Paola Spoletini, Muneera Bano, Didar Zowghi: SaPeer and ReverseSaPeer: teaching requirements elicitation interviews with role-playing and role reversal. Requir. Eng. 25(4): 417-438 (2020)
Yehia Elrakaiby, Alexander Borgida, Alessio Ferrari, John Mylopoulos: A Refinement Calculus for Requirements Engineering Based on Argumentation Theory. ER 2020: 3-18
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